23/24 Pay Award and 22/23 non-consolidated payment

Important Information 2023-2024 Pay Award and 2022-2023 non-consolidated payments

2022-2023 non-consolidated payments – Staff on Agenda for Change (AFC) pay scales with a substantive post; employed on 31 March 2023 will receive a payment with their ordinary monthly pay on Wednesday 28th June.  The payment will be made in one lump sum unless a request has been made for instalments.

The payment will be subject to all ordinary statutory deductions such as Tax and National Insurance as well as any other deductions that are percentage based for example student loans, attachment of earning orders etc… however is it non-pensionable.

Pay Award 2023-2024

An uplift of 5% will be applied to staff on AFC pay scales (including staff bank employees). The award is effective from 01 April 2023.

Weekly paid staff have received the increased rate of pay on Friday 02 June 2023, back pay from 01 April 2023 will be included on Friday 09 June 2023.

Monthly paid staff will receive the increase on Wednesday 28th June, back pay will be included from 01 April 2023.

As back pay is included, please remember there will also be additional deductions for Tax, National Insurance, and pension contributions; as well as any other deductions that are percentage based for example student loans, attachment of earnings orders etc.…

Please see here for what the pay deal and non-consolidated payment mean to you

Please see here  for FAQ’s

Please see here for updated Pay scales


Pension contribution bandwidths   as agreed in October 2022 the bandwidths for pension contributions have increased in line with the pay award:

Tier Range Percentage Effective Date From
1 (A) * £0.00 to £13,246.99 5.1 01-Apr-23
2 (B) £13,247.00 to £17,673.99 5.7 01-Apr-23
3 (C) £17,674.00 to £24,022.99 6.1 01-Apr-23
4 (D) £24,023.00 to £25,146.99 6.8 01-Apr-23
5 (E) £25,147.00 to £29,635.99 7.7 01-Apr-23
6 (F) £29,636.00 to £30,638.99 8.8 01-Apr-23
7 (G) £30,639.00 to £45,996.99 9.8 01-Apr-23
8 (H) £45,997.00 to £51,708.99 10 01-Apr-23
9 (I) £51,709.00 to £58,972.99 11.6 01-Apr-23
10 (J) £58,973.00 to £75,632.99 12.5 01-Apr-23
11 (K) £75,633.00 to £9,999,999.99 13.5 01-Apr-23


Queries We appreciate staff are eager to know how much net pay they will receive at the end of June, unfortunately we are not able to calculate individual estimates; If you would like to check your current scale or have questions regarding the detail of the award, please use the helpful links above.