Instalments option for AfC 2024-2025 Pay Award

Instalments form 2024-2024

The government has accepted the 2024/25 recommendations of the NHS Pay Review Body (NHS PRB) and agreed a 5.5 per cent consolidated uplift, backdated to 1 April 2024. This will be paid in October 2024 salaries and will also include a backdated payment to 01 April 2024.

It is recognised that it may be preferable for some individuals to receive the back pay in multiple instalments (for instance, paid across several months), rather than together in a single month. An example of this might be where individuals receive Universal Credit payments, where increased monthly income will directly affect the value of these payments.

If you choose to take your back pay in instalments, you will pay the same amount of tax and National insurance over the course of a financial year as you would if you receive it as one payment.

Colleagues would need to consider the potential impacts of spreading the payments out across multiple months. For example, if an individual is claiming Universal Credit, any lump sum or backdated earnings may affect how much Universal Credit received in the month they are paid. Please see Universal Credit guidance for further information.

Colleagues in receipt of benefits or other payments should contact their benefit provider if they have any further queries. More information on state benefits can be found on the GOV.UK website.

Please see here for updated rates of pay.

The amount of back pay due will be different for everyone. Unfortunately, individual amounts will not be available as the exact figure cannot be calculated until the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) has been updated and we are able to run the retrospective calculations.  ESR is a national system and constraint’s on processing restrictions mean we are unable complete this until mid-October 2024.

We know this may make it difficult to decide so to help, you can estimate how much backpay you are likely to receive by looking at your September 2024 payslip which will be available from 20 September 2024.

At the bottom left-hand corner of your pay slip you will see Year to Date Gross pay:

Use this figure as your start point. In our example w will use £10,477.91 

Using your payslips between April to September 2024, calculate the following:

  • All amounts deducted for Salary sacrifice schemes. (to be added to Gross pay figure)
  • Any expenses/mileage payments. (to be deducted from Gross pay figure)
  • Make a note of payment for Enhancements paid in April 2024 – these were for hours worked in March 2024. (to be deducted from Gross pay figure)

Multiply the end figure by 5.5% to find your estimated back pay amount.


Gross YTD 10,477.91  (Taken from payslip)
April to Sept 2024
Salary sacrifices 2466
Expenses -347
Enhancements paid April 24 -410
Total Gross to date 12,186.91
Multiply by 5.5 % 670.28 **Estimated back pay

 ***Please remember this is an approximate figure only

Nearer the time we will let you know how the instalments will show on your payslip.

To request the back pay, in instalments, please follow the process outlined below:

  1. Please seek appropriate advice from your benefit provider (e.g. Universal Credit Helpline) or Citizen’s Advice to ensure you understand how receiving these payments in instalments may impact your benefits.
  2. Please complete the formInstalments form 2024-2025Instalments form 2024-2025
  3. and return to:
  4. The maximum number of instalments available will be 6 (October 2024 to March 2025)
  5. Once your instalments have been set up, you cannot choose to amend the frequency
  6. Should you leave the Trust before all instalments have been paid the total outstanding amount will be paid in your final pay.
  7. All completed forms must be received via email to the payroll team no later than 10am on Thursday 11 October 2024. Any forms received after this date will not be processed and the total back pay will be received in October salaries.


Although we would like to help more, could we please respectfully ask that you don’t contact Payroll or People Services for estimates of back pay, especially during the period 20-27 September (pay week).